
12 Things the Europa Final reveals about Jose Mourinho



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  • how the Manchester United boss uses trickery as a winning tool
By Ediale Kingsley
1. Mourinho’s trickery is second to none.
2. His use of trickery, mind games, acting and deceit to win matches are his patented trademarks.
3. He is the best match strategist at the moment.
4. The only philosophy or football style Jose knows is ‘winning’.
5. Opposing managers who don’t care about what he looks like or talks like would have accomplished 30% job over his antics.
6. Mourinho’s happiest moment yet, was yesterday. Don’t tell me otherwise, just show me any previous match won that Jose was in the pitch kidding-around with his offspring.
7. All the things Jose has accused other coaches of, he has done all.
8. Jose even at some point tackled Antonio Conte of basking in the euphoria of ‘parking-the-bus’.
9. He was particularly happy yesterday because he got three things settled: Met the target the board gave to him. He got a revival to what look like a downward slopping career. And he can now smile against that ex lover that now taunts him (Chelsea).
10. Yet, Peter Bosz was the complete opposite Mourinho. No strategy other than the academic play the Ajax FC have been known for. Even the passing game was terrible.
11. Herrera would do well as coach. His leadership qualities would make a ManUnited foe cry. He is the Mourinho in the field of play.
12. Every coach must have specific match plan. This season, Antonio Conte and Jose Mourinho are the best at this.

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