
5 Instant things you should do when bitten or stung by a scorpion



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A scorpion’s sting can be extremely painful and venomous to the human body. Although, research has shown that the different species of scorpions have their own degree of toxicity inherent in their venom. However, their stings are generally known to be painful and hazardous to the body when not treated on time. Studies have shown the symptoms and aftereffects associated with their attack which can be detrimental to the health of an individual – they include; a swell on the affected area, difficulty in breathing, blurry vision, drooling, and a possible state of unconsciousness or even death in younger children.

As shown in the above symptoms associated with this animal, you will quite agree with me that a stung from it is no doubt terrifying, hence; it should be avoided at all cost, but in a situation where a person gets bitten, it then becomes necessary to apply some instant curative measures that are needed in saving the situation.

Regarding this article, we shall be looking at 5 life-saving tips that can be instantly applied in a case of a scorpion attack – see them below.

1. Stay relax and calm

Although this doesn’t promise to be easy, however; calmness is all you need at this point. When you get stung by a scorpion, probably on your limb, it becomes necessary to be calm rather than running and scattering the whole place and stand the risk of being stung the second time. Staying in a calm mood despite the pain will keep you focused on the next step in stopping the venom from taking hold of your body completely.

2. Wash the affected area with soap and water

The idea behind this is to remove the toxic remnants of the venom from the skin and also to help neutralize its impact to a certain degree.

3. Apply cold pack pressure to the affected area to calm the pain or swell

The use of cold materials like ice or anything that has an element of coldness can be of great help in drastically reducing the pains and swollenness. However, in cases of emergency when they are no ice, you can tie right above the affected area with a rope in other to prevent the venom from spreading through the lymph system.

4. Apply calamine lotion or a paste of baking soda and water

This is another instant measure that can be applied to help reduce the impact of the venom before a proper treatment is made. Calamine lotion is a type of antihistamines cream that helps to significantly reduce pains and swollenness on the skin most especially the one caused by an insect or Arachnida animal.


5. Visit a health specialist

The proper treatment for cases of this nature will not be fully complete if the service of a health care specialist isn’t employed. Visiting the hospital or appropriate health centre is definitely the right step in the right direction that will facilitate the complete removal of the venom from the body.

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