
For Women: Here are the causes of blood clot during menstruation



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While many women develop blood clots during periods of excessive menstrual flow, this condition may be a constant occurrence for others.

On the one hand, while the presence of huge clots every now and then is not a cause for alarm, it may be an indication of a more serious condition.

Clotted blood is common at the beginning or conclusion of a period, depending on how much blood is flowing.

When it comes to abnormal menstrual clots, they’re larger and darker in color than normal menstrual blood.

In order to protect itself, the body’s natural defensive mechanism requires period blood to be in a fluid state.

The formation of blood clots can be explained as the accumulation of blood in veins and arteries as the blood coagulates.

Injuries are the most common cause of these symptoms. Platelets and fibrin are the two components that play a role in this process.

Menstrual cramps, which feel like blood clots traveling through the vagina, are most often caused by an excessive flow of the female hormone progesterone.

On the first and second day of your period, the flow tends to be thicker, therefore these clots are more likely to form.

Depending on how heavy the flow is, a woman may encounter clots in alternate months.

In some circumstances, passing blood clots is normal, while in others, it is a sign of an underlying condition.


Some of the causes of blood clots during the menstrual cycle are as follows:

1. Thyroid.

2. Uterine coagulation.

3. Cancer of the womb.

Medications to regulate hormones.

Cancer of the cervix.

Fibroids in the uterus

Blood disease is number seven on the list.

8. A lot of blood is flowing.

9. Endometriosis.

Hormonal imbalance is the tenth.

11. The Uterus Is Bigger.

12. Cancer of the uterus.


Period blood clots can be completely natural for some women, but they can be extremely alarming for others.

In order to find out what’s causing the blood clots and treat them before they worsen, it’s critical that you see a gynecologist as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.

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