
Military retires 403 personnel



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Nigerian military on Saturday disengaged from active service 403 soldiers after serving required number of years in the service.

They were graduated from the Nigerian Armed Forces Resettlement Centre, (NAFRC), Oshodi, Lagos having completed a six-month pre-retirement training in new skills.

The soldiers, comprising 281 from the Nigerian Army, 17 from the Nigerian Navy and 105 from the Nigerian Air Force were congratulated at a ceremony held at NAFRC.
The Minister of Defence, Brig Gen. Mohammed Dan-Ali (retd) urged them to continue to contribute their quota towards surmounting threats to lives and property within their dwelling areas.

“You are all aware of the security challenges confronting our country, particularly insurgency in the north east, cattle rustling, kidnappings, pipeline vandalism and other criminal activities across the country.

“Be reminded that as retired personnel of the Armed Forces of Nigeria, much is still expected of you in contributing your quota towards surmounting any threat to lives within your area of domicile.

“This will go a long way in curtailing these vices in order to enhance safety and security which is essential for meaningful socio-economic development as well as peaceful cohabitation and existence,” he said.

He said the federal government was committed to ensuring that service personnel were properly resettled after dedicated service to the country.

“The Federal Government is not relenting in its effort to improve the welfare of both serving and retired personnel and to effectively stem the tide of corruption.

“I enjoin you to key into this laudable stride towards building our democratic values and sustainable national development,” he said.

The minister commended NAFRC for its relentless efforts in pre-retirement training.

“Your successful completion of the course is a testament of your determination and discipline which you must have acquired while in active service.

“Let me point out that the essence of attending the pre-retirement course is to prepare and give you the necessary rudiments for a speedy reintegration back to civil life after gallantry service to your fatherland.


“Our general expectation is that after this stage, you are going to comfortably enjoy your post service life to reflect the level of knowledge and skill you have acquired,” he said.

Earlier, the NAFRC Commandant, Air Vice Marshall Austin Jekenu, in his welcome address, urged the retired personnel to make good use of the skills they acquired.

While urging the retired personnel to be obedient to constituted authority, he admonished them not to fail to contribute to the progress of their community.

Top military officers and men attended the event.

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