
Police revolt, decline to enforce government-imposed vaccine mandate in Canadian



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An arm of Canadian law enforcement agency, RCMP, have expressed strong opposition to the vaccine mandate imposed on citizens by the government. Although not opposing vaccination, RCMP, however, declined enforcement of the vaccine mandate or compulsory vaccination, which they said is contrary to the rights of the people and widely revisited across the country.

From RCMP National Headquarters, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, the law enforcement officers sent an open letter to Commissioner Brenda Lucki, expressing their concerns and firm division against compulsory coercive COVID-19 vaccine mandate against citizens exercising their lawful right to bodily anatomy. They notified the Commissioner of the withdrawal of their services to the government in enforcing vaccine mandates they believe is against the interest of the people they protect.

They questioned the authenticity of the vaccines, challenging the government’s censorship and silencing of contrary views in the public space.

The open letter reads in part: “We respectfully submit this open letter to express our most sincere concerns and resolute stand against the forced coercive medical intervention of Canadians, and against the undue discrimination experienced by those exercising their lawful right to bodily autonomy.

“We are not against vaccinations, but as law enforcement officers, we cannot in good conscience willingly participate in enforcing mandates that we believe go against the best interests of the people we protect.”

They argued: “As Canadians, our constitutionally-protected freedoms precede the government, and may only be temporarily limited if the majority of evidence justifies such infringements as reasonable, provable, and guided by law.

“If presented with all available evidence in a court, we firmly believe the government implemented mandates would not hold up under scrutiny.”

They officers declared that ss experienced investigators, they look past what information is provided and focus on how the information is presented. They disagreed with the government’s agenda to confine all citizens to dogmatism by the leader. According to the Officers: “A proper investigation should be conducted as objectively as possible and follow the principle that it is better to have questions that cannot be answered than to have answers that cannot be questioned.

“A complete investigation must include full disclosure of all the facts of the case, even contradictory evidence.

‘Why, then, is there little to no tolerance for free and open debate on this matter? Many credible medical and scientific experts are being censored. “Accordingly, we rightly have concerns about “the science” we are being coerced to “follow”.”

They protested: “As representatives of our communities within the RCMP and representatives of the RCMP in our communities, we have never witnessed such division in our country. “This sense of “Us versus Them” will be further fueled by having a police force consisting only of “vaccinated” people, while serving communities consisting of “unvaccinated” people, which goes against the community policing model the RCMP has strived to achieve.


“As law enforcement officers, we already face higher levels of stress and mental illnesses due to the nature of our work. “These have been compounded – considerably – by mandates that we believe are deeply unethical, threatening our livelihood, and dividing society.”

The Officers also accused the government of acting in bad faith, compelling the citizens to take unwanted vaccines without any assurance of taking responsibility for eventual side effects.

They insisted that Police officers have a mandate to maintain peace, uphold the law, and defend the public interest. They argued that coercive medical treatments undermine the three mandates mentioned above, therefore, are antithetical to the duties and responsibilities of the police to Canadians.

The Officers protested: “As federal employees, what is being done to mitigate this stress?

“Moreover, what assurances are we given that the injections will not cause short or long-term side effects? What steps will be taken to ensure members are compensated for adverse side effects?”

They stated that police officers are expected to preserve the peace, uphold the law, and defend the public interest. “We strongly believe that forced and coerced medical treatments undermine all three and, thus, contradict our duties and responsibilities to Canadians.

“We remain loyal to the Charter and Bill of Rights and ask you to send investigators to collect statements from medical professionals (and other reliable witnesses) who allege they have been silenced – putting lives at risk.”

The Officers requested the authorities to permit them to make the information publicly available to all so the public can scrutinize it and achieve informed consent.


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