Portugal is initiating a law to ban smoking in school, hospital environment, including other public places like covered outdoor seating areas.
The Minister of Health, Manuel Pizarro, on Thursday disclosed that the law, which will also prohibit smoking in all indoor spaces, or areas inside cafes, would be presented for deliberation in the Parliament on a future date.
The minister added that the law would ban setting up of new smoking areas, as well as restrain the sale of tobacco products in locations where smoking is banned from 2025.
Manuel Pizarro, after a Council of Ministers meeting on Thursday, said: “With this law, we hope that young people can live in an environment without tobacco, reduce the incentive to smoke and allow smokers to overcome their addiction.
“Our objective is to have a generation living without tobacco by 2040… this law is in line with the EU’s anti-tobacco stance, but we wish to go further.”