Since the recent Forbes announcent of Kanye West as latest Billionaire. Everyone has been celebrating the born again. And although he is now officially a billionaire but his story to such level wasn’t actually smooth.
And a tweet posted back in 2015 confirms so. Once upon a time, the rapper asked Mark Zuckerberg to invest 1 billion dollars when he was in $53 million debt.
But today the rapper has now pay off his debt and is now officially a billionaire according to Forbes.
Kanye West
Forbes tweeted “Kanye West is now officially a billionaire – and he really want the world to know”
The total net worth of the rapper according to Forbes stand at $1.3 billion, the magazine also took into account debts,”asset illiquidity” and the magazine’s tendency to “look at self-appraisals somewhat skeptically.”
Forbes reported that West insists his worth stands at $3.3 billion, and he texted the magazine to say: “It’s $3.3 billion since no one at Forbes knows how to count.” But the figure of $1.3 billion still puts him on an exclusive list.