
UK bans Uber in London



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  • As Nigerian partners protest in Abuja

Britain may have banned the modernized transportation system, Uber, from operating in the country. Report indicated that the local transport regulator in Britain has withdrawn the operational license of UBER, stopping the company from operating in London. The authority explained that UBER is “not fit and proper” to be given such operational license in Britain.

Transport for London was cited to have insisted on Monday that that the authority will not renew the ride-hailing giant operator’s license, citing a pattern of failures that had placed passenger safety and security at risk.

Reports indicated that Transport for London said Uber had made a number of positive changes and improvements to its culture, leadership and systems in the period since the Chief Magistrate granted it a license in June 2018 but added that a pattern of failures by the company had been identified.

The national Union of e-hailing drivers and partners, an umbrella body for uber drivers, had last week in Abuja, Nigeria, staged protest, opposing the conditions of agreement between its members and Uber and other forms of maltreatment they have had to endure.

The president of the union said the tech company needed to do a better profiling of its clients in order to protect its drivers.

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