
Warning to Nigerian supporters going to Russia world cup 



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Nigeria Football Supporters Club installed Hon. Felix Anira as patron recently, and he has cautioned Nigerians to be wary at the Russia World Cup, National Daily gathered.

Felix Anira has caution interested supporters of the Super Eagles going to the FIFA 2018 Russia world cup to be very careful even though the National team has all it takes to win the world cup.

He said the fact that Russia is known among countries with best security system, Nigerians should remember that both countries have different cultures and as such those going to the world cup should abide by the rules there.

He told National Daily that he said Anira deserve the appointment following his contribution to Nigeria Football from grassroot to the highest level in the country.

Anira thanked the National Chairman and members of the Nigeria Football supporters club and promise to continue to support sports.

The well respected Sapele politician said the current squad of the  Nigeria super Eagles are unpredictable following the the qualifiers, adding that anything can happen in the world biggest Football tournament.

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