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World to end by September 23 – Conspiracy theorists



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September 23, 2017, is set to mark the beginning of the apocalypse, according to several conspiracy theorists and Christian doom-mongers who believe in the ‘Revelation 12 Sign’ prophecy

Conspiracy theorists think an astronomical alignment involving the constellations Leo and Virgo, along with various other planets will fulfill this prophecy word-for-word.

The Rapture is the second coming of Jesus Christ as prophesied in John 14:1-3 where those who have lived ‘sin free’ lives meet the Lord.

Proponents of the outlandish theory say the women mentioned in the prophecy represents the constellation Virgo, while the crown of stars represents Leo.

The moon mentioned is considered to be under the ‘feet’ of Virgo and on September 23 the sun will be passing through the constellation – fulfilling the ‘clothed with the sun’ strand.

According to websites promoting the dooms day theory, it will take place in two parts, with a seven-year-long period of tribulation in between, during which the Antichrist will bring destruction upon Mankind.

However, the theory is only loosely based on actual Bible scripture and largely dismissed by the wider Christian community.

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Conspiracy theorists think an astronomical alignment involving the constellations Leo and Virgo, along with various other planets, occurring this September, will fulfill this prophecy word-for-word

According to 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, the heavens will open during the end of days, with God lifting those who are alive ‘into the clouds’.

And 2 Peter 3:10, says: ‘But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.’

Nonetheless, a belief in the Rapture prophecy does not mean an acceptance of the Revelation 12 Sign theory for many Christians who refute the astrological interpretation.


The theory was originally purported by William Tapley, an American YouTube Channel owner According to websites promoting the dooms day theory, it will take place in two parts, with a seven-year-long period of tribulation in between, during which the Antichrist will bring destruction upon Mankind

Meanwhile, Exorcist Don Antonio Mattatelli claims recent storms and flooding mark the beginning of the biblical apocalypse. The famous demon hunter also claims that the devil is ‘behind’ North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

He said: ‘All natural disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, demonstrate that the end of the world is coming. ‘It will not be the end of the world in general, but of this world yes.”

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