
Xenophobia: Jim Ovia reacts, boycotts Economic Forum



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Founder and Chairman of Zenith Bank Plc has withdrawn his participation in the ongoing world Economic Forum holding in South Africa in protest against the xenophobic attacks against Nigerians and other foreign nationals living in South Africa.

Before taking his exit, Mr. Ovia stressed the need for youth empowerment and better government policies to curb continual attacks on persons living within and outside Africa. He belaboured that until positive change towards collective growth happens on this front, the continent would not reach its potential.

Mr. Ovia added that full support should be rendered in vocational education of the young persons living in not just Nigeria but Africa. According to him, the Jim Ovia Foundation has taken up a stance on this issue, having empowered over 3,500 students and entrepreneurs since its inception. He called on other members of the private sector to join hands and solve this menace plaguing the African continent.

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