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Journey vs. Destination



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Over the last few weeks, I have been very inconsistent with my Monday posts. In August, I started my Doctorate of Ministry at Union Theological Seminary, Columbia University. It hasn’t been easy trying to juggle work, school, global commitments, family, and my personal time. It has been really difficult, as going back to school means navigating new technologies for assignments and online classes. I have had sleepless nights, and I have mentally beaten myself up, especially after one of my presentations. I felt like I hadn’t given my best, I have tried so hard to take on so much in the little time that I have allotted for school.

Recently, I started feeling a bit depressed because I didn’t feel like I was an excellent student.

The tiny voice had to remind me that I was actually only two months into a three-year program and that I needed to go easy on myself. I had to take a deep breath and reflect further. My increased, sometimes irrational, stress is primarily because the entire time, my eyes were on 2027 graduation day—the destination. However, what I needed to focus on was the journey; seeing it as a whole cake that I have to eat a bite at a time. A journey requiring pause when I am full, rest when I feel ill, a smile when there is something beautiful, and a cry when I am frustrated, while documenting the learning experiences.

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This journey is a part of the journey called life, we must not over-stress over the “Destination.” Sometimes God, the Divine, wants us to just embrace the journey whilst trusting that all will be well.

For the next three years, I will hang on to these words of Bab Hoffman “Stop focusing on the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.”


Mrs Gbowee, a Noble Peace Prize Winner, is a Liberian peace activist, social worker and women’s rights advocate. She is Founder and President of the Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa

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