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4 reasons why you should consume eggs more often



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Eggs are a rich source of proteins and they contain lots of essential vitamins and minerals. Many people tend to stay away from eggs because of its high cholesterol content, but it is actually very nutritious and poses no harm to your health and wellbeing. It contains vitamin A, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, folate and phosphorous. According to a publication on Healthline, here are 4 health benefits of eating eggs:

1.      Improves vision

Eggs contain antioxidants that prevents poor vision especially in old age. These antioxidants are zeaxanthin and lutein. These antioxidants protect the eyes and reduces risk of age related eye defects like cataracts and macular degeneration. Eggs are also a rich source of vitamin A which helps in maintaining healthy eyesight.

2.      Aids weight loss

Eggs fill you up fast making you feel satisfied without eating much. This reduces your chances of overeating. Eggs also help in reducing calorie intake. Its rich protein content increases metabolism causing you to lose calories and maintain healthy weight.

3.      Essential for healthy brain function

Egg contains an essential nutrient known as choline. Choline plays many vital roles in regulating brain function. It plays a role in regulating mood and memory. It aids brain development in babies and young children. It aids in improving visual and verbal cognitive function. Choline also aids in producing brain signaling molecules.

4.      Increase amount of good cholesterol

High density lipoprotein also known good cholesterol plays a role in reducing the amount of bad cholesterol that can result in heart disease. Although eggs contain a high amount of cholesterol, it is not unhealthy. This is because it contains good cholesterol that is needed by the body. Good cholesterol also lowers risk of stroke and heart disease.

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