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See 4 most educated tribes in Africa  



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There are many educated tribes in Africa, but some are more exposed to cultivating their citizenry’s intellectual resources or are more focused on teaching their population than the others, which are unable to give quality formal education due to a number of limiting reasons.

The actual number of ethnic origins in Africa is unknown because new ones are always being found and identified. However, several of the identified tribes stand out as having higher levels of education than the rest. These tribes are obviously chosen based on many factors than only the number of educational institutions constructed within their geographic boundaries, including the quantity of intellectuals and several achievements for which their tribesmen are renowned.

— The Most Educated Tribe In Africa.

Five African tribes have so far demonstrated outstanding success that they are regarded as the most educated people in Sub-Saharan African nations.

The Lebou of Senegal, the Igbo of Nigeria, the Gurage of Ethiopia, the Venda of South Africa, and the Tutsi of Central Africa are on the list.

1. The Lebou Tribe


The Lebou are a Senegalese ethnic group that inhabits the Cap-Vert peninsula. The Lebou people are traditionally fishermen. The tribe has made significant progress in education thanks to colonialism and modernity. Their scholastic achievements have placed them ahead of other ethnic groups in Senegal and other French-speaking West African nations, where they have dominated entrepreneurship and construction. One of the most educated tribes in Africa is the Lebou.

2. The Igbo Tribe

Nigeria is home to the Igbo ethnic group. They are primarily present in the states of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo. One of the most educated tribes in Africa SHOULD BE used to characterise this group. Igbo people, who number around 40 million worldwide, have achieved extraordinary academic success in prestigious American and European colleges. The Igbo were named the most educated tribe in Africa in a 2011 declaration from America. 

Most of Nigeria’s professors and scientists who have won awards belong to the Ibo Tribe. In addition, it has been proven that Igbo people are excellent entrepreneurs because they make up the bulk of top businesspeople in Nigeria and certain other African nations including South Africa, Kenya, and Ghana.

3. The Gurage Tribe


The Gurage people are extremely enterprising and have a culture that values social mobility and hard labour. They are one of the most educated tribes in Africa, despite having a comparatively tiny population of only 1 million people. Despite being mostly farmers, Gurage people are renowned throughout Ethiopia for being hard workers and for having a positive work ethic. They are among the best educated people in Ethiopia and all of Africa, and they have achieved enormous success in entrepreneurship, ruling several regions of Southern Africa as well as Ethiopian business.

4. The Venda Tribe

One of the last black ethnic groups to settle in the region south of the Limpopo River is widely thought to have been the Venda. Their history is strongly linked to that of the houses of their subsequent leaders, especially those who were descended from their fabled ancestor, Thoho-ya-Ndou (Head of the Elephant). 

Another clever tribe in Africa is the Venda, which has a population of roughly 2 million and is located in northern South Africa. Venda are the most educated tribe in Africa, surpassing all other South African ethnic groups against the odds of the 50-year-long apartheid regime.

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