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Signs that show you are consuming too much salt



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Salt is a seasoning that flavors food and acts as a preservative. It’s made up of roughly 60% chloride and 40% sodium.

Nearly all unprocessed foods are low in salt, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, meats, whole grains, and dairy products. We eat salt because it relaxes and contracts muscles, helps with nerve impulses and balances the minerals and water we consume.

1. Bloating

One of the most common short-term effects of eating too much salt is bloating, which occurs when your stomach feels inflated or tight. It aids your body’s ability to retain water, causing additional fluid to accumulate.

Foods do not need to taste salty to be high in sodium. Sandwiches, pizza, bagels, and canned soup can all be hidden salt sources.

2. Rise Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can be caused by a variety of factors, one of which is an excess of salt. Your kidneys are responsible for the change in blood pressure. Too much salt makes it difficult for them to get rid of unnecessary fluid. Your blood pressure rises as a result.

3. Swelling

Swelling can be caused by an excess of salt in your body. Body parts that are most likely to swell are your face, hands, feet, and ankles. If you’re puffier than usual, consider how much salt you’re consuming.

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4. Severe Thirsty

If you’ve been feeling particularly thirsty recently, it could be an indication that you’re consuming too much salt. You become dehydrated as a result of this.


As your body draws water from your cells, you may begin to feel extremely thirsty. Water can aid to neutralise that salt and refreshing your cells.

5. You may gain Weight

If you’ve gained weight quickly over a week or even a few days, it could be due to eating too much salt. If you gain more than two pounds in a day or four pounds in a week, consider the meals you ate in the previous few days and try to make modifications to reduce your salt intake.

6. You Use the Restroom a Lot

More salt may result in the frequent use of the restroom. This could be because salt can make you thirsty, which may urge you to drink more water.

7. You Aren’t Sleeping Well

If you eat too much salt before going to bed, it can cause sleep difficulties. Signs can range from restless sleep to frequent waking up at night to a lack of energy in the morning.

8. You Feel Weak

When your blood has too much salt, water gushes out of your cells to thin it out. As a result, You may begin to feel weaker than normal.

9. Your Stomach Bothers You

If you eat too much salt and get dehydrated, your stomach will suffer as a result. You may feel nauseous or experience diarrhoea.

If your stomach is upset or you have cramps, consider what you’ve been eating over the last few days and figure out ways to reduce the salt. Drinking plenty of water can aid you to feel better by rehydrating your cells.

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