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Fruits that fight sexual impotency in men



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Is it really possible to fight impotency by consuming fruits? It may sound strange, but some scientific research supports the correlation between certain fruits and intimate performance.

A joint study by the universities of Harvard, in the United States, and East Anglia, in England, revealed that a greater consumption of fruits can combat the difficulties of having an erection by up to 10%. About 50,000 people participated in the study.

Another concept that may seem strange to men is the relationship between a healthy lifestyle and intimacy. Problems with intimate relationship can be avoided by acquiring a series of healthier habits for the body and mind. Increasing fruit consumption is just one of them.

How Fruits Can Prevent Impotence

The research revealed that flavonoids (molecular components found in vegetables, fruits, and cereals) are responsible for the improvement in intimate performance. They act on the flexibility and relaxation of the arteries, thus increasing the blood flow to the penis. Soon, it will become easier to get an erection.

Although flavonoids are mainly present in red fruits, citrus fruits (lemon, kiwi, pineapple, mango, among others) have also been shown to be effective against impotency. In addition, they fight premature ejaculation and help prevent cardiovascular disease.

The best fruits to Eat:

To start seeing positive results, it is necessary to consume at least three servings of fruit per week. In other words, if they are not yet part of the daily diet, these foods need to be incorporated into eating habits.

Since many people are still not in the habit of eating fruit often, they don’t know how to start eating them. Adding them to desserts or making natural juices to accompany meals are ways to encourage daily consumption.

The most ideal form, however, is always the natural one, as the person ingests all the healthy components present in the fruits, from the pomace to the peel, in their natural states. Instead of satisfying your hunger with a cracker, snack, or sandwich, try snacking on a serving or more of fruit.

Below are eight fruit options to prevent impotency. While all are important because of the favorable amounts of flavonoids in each, they also bring other benefits that improve intimate performance and overall health.

  • Apple

You’ve probably heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” In addition to bringing several health benefits, the fruit also increases arousal levels, resulting in better intimate function.

For diabetic men, apple consumption is especially good becauseit lowers blood sugar levels. People suffering from the disease can benefit from eating the fruit in two ways.

  • Blackberry tea

In addition to being consumed in its natural state, blackberry leaf tea also acts as a medicine for erectile dysfunction. The fruit itself increases intimate desire.

  • Blueberry

Blueberries are a super important fruit for health. Although it is a little difficult for many to find, especially depending on the region of the country, it is great against impotency. It also fights premature aging, helps with weight loss and improves digestion. A world of benefits in a tiny fruit!

  • Strawberry

Strawberry benefits the intimate life by improving blood circulation, facilitating the arrival of blood to the male sexual-organ, and stimulating libido. Due to the versatility of consumption methods and the infinity of recipes available on the internet, it is easier to consume strawberries.

  • Cherry

The cherry is famous for being an alluring fruit, but why? It is said that the pulp is an aphrodisiac and increases intimate desire. Therefore, it is common for couples to consume them on peppery nights. There is research that points to the cherry red color as a libido and adrenaline stimulant. However, there are not enough scientific studies to support this fact.

  • Grape

Grapes help to dilate blood vessels, making erections easier. Wine, a result of the fruit’s natural fermentation process, also has the same effect on the male body. Its consumption, however, must be moderate.

  • Watermelon

Because it is rich in citrulline, watermelon stimulates blood vessel dilation and vascular relaxation. When converted to arginine, citrulline helps the formation of nitric oxide, one of the components of Viagra. Therefore, consuming it makes it easier to have and maintain an erection.

This phytonutrient, however, is mainly concentrated in the watermelon rind. In other words, to optimize the fight against impotency, all the fruit needs to be used. For those who don’t like the idea of eating these fruits raw, natural juice can be a way to enjoy the flavor from the fruits.

  • Raspberry

Raspberries also avoid the risk of erection failure, as well as being a fruit with powerful health maintenance properties.

How to consume more fruit to fight impotence

It is evident that, in order to combat impotency, it is necessary to change eating habits, right?

These fruits, by themselves, are essential foods for the health of the body and mind. The benefits added to them are numerous, but few people include them in their diets. To eat them more often, vary the forms of consumption.

Add blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries to cereal or rolled oats for breakfast. At lunch and snack time, replace the powdered artificial juice with fresh fruit. The greater the freshness of the fruit, the greater the absorption of its healthy properties in its entirety.

Make smoothies, protein shakes, or even milkshakes. Make fruit salads and add a dollop of condensed milk topping. Fruit jellies are also delicious and easily accessible. In other words, be creative!

Therapy can also help, you know? Through weekly sessions with a psychologist, it is possible to find possible emotional causes for impotency. Stress and anxiety, for example, often affect intimate performance.

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