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Desperate politicians exploiting Soyinka’s medical situation—Charly Boy



Desperate politicians exploiting Soyinka’s medical situation—Charly Boy
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Former President of the Performing Musicians’ Association of Nigeria (PMAN), Charles Oputa aka Charly Boy has taken a swipe at Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka over his recent comments.

Charly Boy in a post shared on his official Instagram page, stated that the recent comments made by Soyinka shows that he is aging with ‘’some level of brain deterioration’.

He also questioned why his family and close friends can’t ward off agents of desperate politicians who are bent on exploiting his medical situation to their advantage.

‘’Prof. Wole Soyinka is aged over 80yrs, even tending towards 90 years old. For his age, some level of brain deterioration is not unexpected. His rhetoric and actions in recent times is suggestive of deteriorating brain disease, and as such, he shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

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‘‘What we should be worried about as well, meaning Nigerians, is how come his family and close friends can’t ward off agents of desperate politicians who are bent on exploiting his medical situation to their advantage, no matter how low it sinks the once respected Nobel Laureate.” Charly Boy wrote on his Instagram page.

This comes days after Soyinka angered Nigerians by being accused of unfairly disparaging Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate Peter Obi in an interview conducted last Thursday.

The dramatist was cited in the aforementioned interview as expressing his wish that Obi wouldn’t run in the upcoming 2027 election because his results in the 2023 election showed that he and his team weren’t qualified to lead Nigeria.

The learned literary ico. continued by accusing Obi of being in charge of the internet trolls who were hurling insults at him and other well-known people who questioned the party’s electioneering effort.


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