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As blood gushes out, 2-yr-old points at house of 64-yr-old who defiles her



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The Ogun Police Command has arrested a 64-year-old man, Ayotunde Taiwo, for allegedly defiling a two-year-old baby in Ogun.

The Command’s Public Relation Officer (PPRO), DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi, disclosed this in a statement made available to newsmen in Ota, Ogun, September 7.

Oyeyemi explained that the suspect was arrested following a complaint lodged at Agbado Divisional Headquarters by the mother of the victim.

According to the mother’s victims, she noticed that her daughter cannot walk well, and when she inspected her body, she saw blood gushing out of her private part.

“When she asked her daughter about what happened to her, the little girl pointed to the house opposite their own house.

“On getting to the house, the suspect was met washing his blood stained boxer shot, indicating that he had just had unlawful carnal knowledge of the little girl.

“Upon the report, the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) Agbado Division, CSP Kehinde Kuranga, detailed his detectives to the scene where the suspect was promptly arrested.” he said.

Oyeyemi, however, said the victim had been taken to hospital for medical treatment.

Commissioner of Police, CP Edward Ajogun, had ordered the immediate transfer of the suspect to Family Support Unit at Ota area command for further investigation and prosecution.

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