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NUJ urges FG to assist terrorism, banditry-afflicted states



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NUJ urges FG to assist terrorism, banditry-afflicted states.


The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) has appealed to the Federal Government to urgently assist the most affected states by banditry and terrorism in the North West and North East regions with remedial intervention.

This is to ameliorate the effects of hunger that will be experienced this year, because of the limited access to farmlands by the farmers.

”Food security is of vital importance to the nation,” the union said in a communique issued on Wednesday in Abuja at the end of its Inaugural National Executives Council meeting held between March 13 and March 14, in Birnin Kebbi.

The communique was signed by the National Secretary of the union, Mr Shuaibu Leman, Walin Shadalafiya.

It added: ”NEC applauds the military operations against the murderous activities of Non-State Actors.

”The meeting however regrets that in recent times we have witnessed more vicious attacks on villages and rural communities and the consequent imminent humanitarian crisis in the region.

”While NEC urges the Military to sustain their operations, especially as the rainy season is approaching so as to enable farmers have access to their farmlands without any fear.

”It calls on the Federal Government to provide all the requirements for the Armed Forces to enable them achieve the desired results”.

On government’s efforts at rehabilitating and reintegrating repentant Boko Haram terrorists into the society, the union appealed for circumspection to avoid recycling insurgents and creating a pseudo feeling of rewarding criminality.

”NEC observes that the farmers/herders relations over the years in the country continues to cause huge losses, because of the ravaging consequences of the activities of various violent groups,” it added.


This, the union stated, is especially in the seven states of North West; Kebbi, Katsina, Kaduna, Kano, Zamfara, Sokoto and Jigawa, and the North Central State of Niger.

According to the communique, NEC charges the federal government to take urgent steps to avert a complete breakdown of law and order.

”These attacks have doubled the numbers of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) all over the said areas.

”This explains the increase in Women and Children Sexual Abuse, as some families are forced to surrender their female children in exchange for protection and security.

”NEC cautions against allowing the situation to fester beyond what is obtainable currently.

”NEC suggests that as a step towards curtailing the age long development issues in the North West and North East Regions and indeed all over the country.

”There should be observance and implementation of good governance which will promote development that is essentially free of abuse and corruption, and with due regards to the rule of law,” the communiqué read in part.

The NUJ said in view of the perilous nature of security in the country, NEC tasked journalists to be mindful of the pernicious effects of fake news and avoid being part of its propagation.

In the same vein, the union asserted that while leaders should be held accountable to the people by the media, criticisms should be done in an objective manner devoid of any sentiments and bias.

”This is one of the ways journalists can help sustain democracy.

”NEC expresses concern that education in the states of the North West and North East regions has been severely affected.

”Many children are now unable to attend schools because of fear, while others are dropping out of elementary schools and only few others are able to transit to secondary schools.

”NEC expresses alarm that violence has not only negatively affected the educational development of children all over these regions, but it has also affected the availability of educational materials and infrastructure.


”NEC believes there is need to declare State of Emergency in education in the affected areas to avert a catastrophe.”

The communique added that the union has called for meaningful dialogue and consideration by both the federal government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to resolve the seemingly intractable problems of Nigerian universities.

According to the NUJ, the perennial strikes are placing the country as a nation without value for education.

”NEC appeals to the Federal Government to rise up to the challenges of increasing cases of internet fraud, also known as ‘yahoo yahoo’, ritual killings and kidnappings that have taken dangerous dimensions in the country.

”Meeting laments the hardships Nigerians are going through as a result of the hike in prices of petroleum products which are in high demand.

”It urges the government to take urgent steps to revert the trend. In particular, NEC cautions against allowing the Aviation Sector to collapse as a result of the ugly situation where Airlines are being grounded because of lack of aviation fuel.

”NEC views with alarm the attempt by media regulatory bodies in the country to gag the press under the guise of ‘National Security’.

“The rampant issuance of unnecessary fines and sanctions are repulsive and against a free press and democratic governance,” it continued.

In the communique, the union expressed profound appreciation to Gov. Abubakar Bagudu of Kebni State for graciously approving and providing the needed resources for the hosting of the NEC meeting in the state.

The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the communique also quoted the union as lauding the government and people of Kebbi state for the hospitality accorded NEC members.

”Council appeals to His Excellency, the Governor to continue the good works he is executing for the people of the state and for his continued support to members of the state council of the NUJ to discharge their duties creditably,” it concluded.

