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Mass protest erupts over COVID restrictions in New Zealand



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There was an eruption of mass protest in New Zealand on Tuesday over Covid restrictions imposed on citizens and organizations by the government.

Citizens moved to the streets in hundreds of thousands, marching   to the New Zealand parliament on Tuesday to protest Covid-19 restrictions. The government responded by embarking on massive police deployment to the Wellington building, known as the Beehive.

Over 3,000 people were identified to participate in the mass protest without wearing masks, and forced their way into Wellington, the country’s capital. Many motorcyclists in biker gang regalia were also involved in the mass protest, performing burnouts.

Some protesters displayed placards with “Trump 2020” flags, while many others bore signs carrying messages from Maori groups, the people mostly affected by covid lockdowns; including teachers who are at the risk of losing their jobs if they refuse to be vaccinated.

Several other protesters demeaned the New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, with slogans depicting “Pro Choice, Anti Jacinda”; “Media Lies” and “Media Treason”.

The protesters were said to have carried out their demonstration peacefully and dispersed after performing a massed haka on the grounds of parliament and sending their messages to the prime minister.

It was highlighted that the traditional Maori haka is used in a variety of ways, which include to intimidate rivals, to celebrate, or to mourn.


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