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Eze cries out over new plot to plunge Rivers APC into fresh crisis



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Former National Publicity Secretary of the defunct New Peoples Democratic Party (nPDP), a faction of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Legacy Projects Media Team, and chieftain of APC, Eze Chukwumeka Eze, had cried out over new plot to plunge the All Progressives Congress (APC) into fresh crisis in Rivers State. Eze noted that one good strategy of the APC governorship aspirants in Rivers State is the agreement to support a consensus arrangement and form a strong, united front towards the 2023 general elections.He, however, decried the current discordance that have permeated the state APC after the emergence of Arch. Tonye Cole as the APC consensus candidate for the 2023 governorship election in Rivers State.

Eze Chukwumeka Eze, in a statement in Port Harcourt, indicated that the emergence of  Tonye Cole as consensus candidate was the resolution of APC leaders and elders who met, weighed each aspirant, and, therefore, endorsed Arch. Tonye Cole as the consensus candidate, based on records within their disposal and the parameters for the scrutiny.

Eze expressed: “I was elated when key Rivers APC Gubernatorial candidates resolved to come together through a memorandum to support whoever amongst them that would emerge as consensus candidate of the party, to wrestle power from the visionless administration of Governor Nyesom Wike and the Peoples Democratic Party, but hearing that some aspirants who are signatories to the memorandum are singing discordant tones gives me concern. This is because we have suffered and sacrificed so much to keep the party afloat in the State.”

He noted that all the 13 gubernatorial aspirants are eminently qualified to represent the APC in the 2023 gubernatorial race but told the aspirants that not all the 13 will be candidate at the same time to represent the party in the election. Eze maintained that after the elders and leaders had endorsed  Tonye Cole, every party faithful and loyalist ought to team up and ensure that the party succeeds. He said that the interest of the party must rank topmost in all individual considerations.

Eze referred party members to the recent teaching of the Transportation Minister and Nigeria’s next President, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Amaechi, on loyalty.

According to Eze, Rt Hon. Amaechi explained that it is sad that many politicians do not understand the concept of loyalty.

Eze cite Amaechi to have emphasized: “Loyalty is not when you are not chosen, you become disloyal. Loyalty means you follow the man that leads you, the man to whose leadership you have already surrendered. If you don’t follow, it means you are not loyal, you are only benefiting from the man politically and economically. The day he’s not able to give you that economic reality, is the day you become disloyal.

“Let me tell you something about loyalty. In 2007, we were in a meeting and somebody asked me if Dr. Peter Odili (former Governor of Rivers State) says you will not run for the office of governor, what will you do? I said I will surrender and support whoever he brings.

“We fought the battle for me to be Governor because Dr. Odili called me and said, ‘go to court’. “If not, we had met as a group and said we would stand by his choice. But he called me and said ‘…go to court.’

“I am a very loyal person, and those who are disloyal, I wish them well, those who want to do whatever they want to do, I wish them well. The opportunity will be given to everybody.

“We will run this presidential election, we will run, and I am loyal to the President and I am loyal to the Party. If the party says it is me, thank God. If the party says it is not me, whoever the party chooses, I will support. If the Party and President choose anybody, I will support the person. If the party chooses me, I will be glad and say thank God.”

The APC chieftain asserted that so far as the party’s constitution supports consensus arrangement as one of the options to nominate  a candidate to fly the APC flag in an election, it becomes immoral for anyone loyal to the party and her leadership to think otherwise.


Eze said that though Tonye Cole is not his preferred candidate, but as a party loyalist and blind one at that, he is constrained from opposing the decision, or turn the party into a laughing stock or engage in activities that will destroy the party.

 He declared: “I accept and agree with some school of thought that Tonye Cole is not an ideal politician by keeping off from most of our political activities and welfare of members. I wish to plead and urge each one of us to sheath our swords and team up with him to salvage Rivers State before it is too late. Besides, I am convinced that Tonye Cole, being a successful Entrepreneur and international one in that matter, will bring his wealth of wisdom in this regard to turn around the fortunes of the State positively so let us give him a chance to serve the State.

“I sympathize with Dr. Dakuku Peterside who has stood fiercely behind the party all these years fighting and taking a lot of troubles on our behalf and appeal to him to be calm and retrace any step that may be interpreted as anti-party activity because the future is greater than where we are at the moment.

“Our major goal as party faithful is to ensure that we get back the Brick House and occupy the Aso Rock and when that happens, we all will be tired of appointments. So, why fight over little or inconsequential issues while we are capable of having better opportunities by tomorrow.”

Eze warned that propagators of the feelings that Amaechi must be blamed for every mishap or mistake should tone down such mentality. He stated that the very day the 19 Wise Elders met to discuss consensus, Amaechi was not in that meeting as he was in far away Delta State with Vice President Osinbajo, attending the burial of the father of the Minster of State for Labour and Employment, Festus Egwarewa Adeniyi Keyamo SAN. So, how can Amaechi be blamed for a decision taken in his absence, Eze asked.

The APC Chieftain, member of APC Legacy Projects Media Team and former National Publicity Secretary, nPDP, insisted that the task ahead of the party is a serious one, warning that when politics is involved, Governor Nyesom Wike is not a pushover no matter his shortcomings and underperformance as Governor. The party, Eze said, is dealing with a deadly and crude political strategist. “It is only when the APC gets her acts together that the party can teach Wike and the PDP some serious political lessons as he retires from politics come 2023,” he said.

Eze Chukwuemeka Eze told Tonye Cole to sit down and reflect on reasons for opposition to his candidature and make relevant amendments to his style of politics. He cautioned that  Rivers APC has very credible party members that can help him to win election in Rivers State comfortably without much thought over bringing outsiders in that regard. He encouraged Cole to unite and liaise with all those who contested this office, adopt some of their policies and incorporate some of their members into the campaign Team, assuring that by so doing, the journey to the Brick House will be smooth and enjoyable.

Eze Chukwuemeka Eze was of the view that Governor Wike has done much of the campaign for the APC with his visionless style of administration, saying, “ therefore, it is only left to the party to capitalize on most of his shortcomings and teach a lesson that he will live to cherish throughout his retirement years from politics come 2023.

“In this regard, I urge Tonye Cole to inculcate the Spartan strategy of Dakuku Peterside, the humility of Dawari George, the royalty of Tonye Princewill, the listening style of Dr. Davies Sonkote, the flamboyant style of Alabo Ebenezer and most importantly, the uncommon wisdom of Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi; these are qualities that will make you the desired leader of Rivers State. Some of us will be ready to help out if we are still found to be relevant.”

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