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3 Common things in your home that can cause cancer



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Is it possible that you are using, consuming cancer-causing chemicals? Yes, some consumer health groups have researched and sent out warnings that some household products contain carcinogens which are ingredients that are known to cause cancer.

Below are some main products that you might need to send packing from your home and get safer ones as substitutes, these products include:

1) Nonstick Cookware:

This has actually been a basis for debates over a period of time, cook wares that are produced with non-stick coating or Teflon have a chemical known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which is a known cause of cancer.

The question has been if the amount of PFOA that enters the human body poses a threat or risk of cancer but then some experts have come up with the answer.

PFOA and as much as 15 other chemicals can actually be released when cooking especially on high heat but another concern is whether the chemicals can actually get into our foods once the surface becomes nicked or scratch over time.

It is advisable that things like takeaways shouldn’t be used to cook foods for over 300 degrees. You can actually substitute them with glass, copper, ceramic and even cast iron should be used when cooking especially in microwaves.

2) Cosmetics:

It is worthy to note that your medicine cabinet and likewise your makeup bag can be very hazardous to your health because they contain chemicals that are known as carcinogens. Experts have advised that some dirty dozen toxic chemicals should be avoided and these include Antibacterial, Lead, Formaldehyde, Mercury, Coal tar, Hydroquinone, Parabens, Petroleum distillates, Nanoparticles, Phenylenediamine, and others.

Some of these chemicals which belong to a class known as phthalates are the biggest culprits in beauty products and that’s because they will mimic the action of the natural hormones.

Another worst offender is lipstick, which can contain lead which is a known major cause of numerous health conditions including cancer.

A research conducted by health officials with a number of lipstick revealed that all of them contains lead and that is very scary because none of them have this lead in small quantities but in large quantity.


Again, beauty products manufacturers are not always honest in their labels. A product that has formaldehyde-free was tested and was found to contain a very large quantity of formaldehyde-free.

You can substitute it with fragrance-free products that are made from botanical ingredients.

3) Plastic: 

In 2010, the cancer panel highly recommended that consumers do not drink water from the water bottles and other plastics that are made with BPA which is a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to heart disease, cancer and reproductive problems. So, this should be avoided at all cause. It is highly recommended that you use labels that has BPA-free and also you have to use metal water metals as this will help.

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