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3 things you do regularly that can damage your sperm



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There are a few things that most men around the world do every day that might cause harm or damage their sperm but many of them don’t know these things. According to menshealth, the things that you do every day are some of the main reasons why your sperm might get damaged and in this article, I will educate you on which harmful things you should avoid in order to keep your sperm healthy.

1. One of the things that you do regularly that may damage your sperm is when you don’t eat fish. Fish contain high amount of omega-3 fatty acids which help your sperm to be healthy and active. But if you don’t eat fish, it makes your sperm abnormal and unhealthy. So, you are advised to eat more fish in your daily diet.

2. Another thing that you do every day that may harm or damage your sperm is when you keep your mobile phone in your front trouser pocket. If you are the type that always keeps your phone in your trouser front pocket, you should stop immediately because the radiation that is emitted from the phones can harm your sperm cells and DNA. So, you are highly advised to keep your phone away from your pockets at all times.

3. Another thing which may damage your sperm is taking alcohol excessively. If you take alcohol in excess, it can reduce your sperm count, testosterone and lots more. So, you should stay away from excessive alcohol intake.

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