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Abians distraught with Alex Otti’s directionless administration—PDP



Abians distraught with Alex Otti’s directionless administration—PDP
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The Peoples Democratic Party in Abia state, says Abians are distraught with the directioness administration of Governor Alex Otti, noting that the state has made motion without movement, and the people are worse than when Alex Otti met them.

In a statement signed by Abia PDP Vice Chairman/Acting State Publicity Secretary, Hon. Abraham Amah, the opposition party said  Alex Otti has failed Abians because he has governed by the rules of autocracy, executive highhandedness, disobedience to the rule of law, deceit, visible lies, and ruthless propaganda.

“Our position is the true position of things, and any other alternative story is prominently powered by three sets of people: Alex Otti’s well-oiled propaganda machinery funded with taxpayer money, the ‘yes men’ of the Labour Party who know the truth and are ashamed to admit it, and the horde of netizens who have never visited Abia in their lifetime but rely on doctored social media clips to make their judgement.

“Beyond the re-asphalting of roads, which he has promoted endlessly, Abians must understand that under the cosmetics he used to make-up his record achievements for one year lie the catalogue of deceit and falsehood that not only characterise his government but eminently define its behaviour.

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“To buttress our position, we have made a litany of Alex Otti’s conscious missteps, which clearly show that he set out to deceive Abians right from the electioneering campaign to his days in government, because he has always said one thing and done another, in a brazen disregard for the consequences of his actions on the very people he swore an oath to protect.

“He has not packed into the State Government House, despite having an existing Government House, a Government House Annex at Aba and a state-of-the-art government house handed over to him by the immediate past governor, Dr.Okezie Ikpaezu.

The party also accused the Labour Party led government in the state of wasting public funds and owing workers salaries.

“He excels in high cost of governance like using N5.6b to run the Governor’s office while operating from his personal house, N456m for information dissemination and N2.7b for security votes in just one quarter of the year, July to September, 2023.

“All considered, it is very obvious that Alex Otti is not who he pretends to be and the PDP is using his one year in office to open a small window into the mind of the man who presented himself as a messiah and saint to Abians.

“As we step into the next year of the Alex Otti administration, the Abia PDP calls on Abians to watch Alex Otti closely, very closely, because his agenda might not pay Abia in the end and the only thing we can tell Abians is to continuously hold him to account and ask him to be what he promised to be.





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