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Banned vigilante group, invades community, kills 40-year-old man, injures many in Zamfara



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The Nigeria Police have revealed the invasion of community by a proscribed Local Vigilante group, Yansakai, in Bukuyum Local Government Area, Zamfara State. The illegal vigilante group killed a 40-year-old man, injured many residents in the attack.

The police narrated that the Yansakai group stormed Tungar Dutsi village, armed with locally made guns, cutlasses, knives and other dangerous weapons under the guise of Sallah celebration, suddenly turned violent and attacked the community.

The Police Public Relations Officer of the Zamfara State Command, Shehu Mohammed, in a statement, narrated that “the group stormed the community from Tungar Bido Village in the name of Sallah celebration and started shooting sporadically, causing panic and fear among residents.”

The PPRO said that the police arrested leader of Yansakai, Bala Minister, who instigated the attack some days later, noting that members of the illegal vigilante group ran to an unknown destination on the arrival of the police. Bala was arrested after few days after the attack.

The Police disclosed that on interrogation, Bala Minister admitted the crime, revealing the names of other collaborators now on the run.

The police, however, said that normalcy has been restored in the troubled community, promising to go after fleeing vigilante members.

The Police Insist that discreet investigation is in progress to further arrest those at large and charge them to court for Prosecution.

Zamfara State Government had banned the Yansakai Vigilante group after reports of illegal activities by the group. The Yansakai Vigilante was initially created to contain the activities of bandits in the state and other states in the northwest.

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