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FATE Foundation marks 20th Anniversary



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FATE Foundation has launched a report as part of activities marking its two decades of funding businesses.

The report also covered its COVID-19 response, through the FATE Philanthropy COVID Coalition support funds.

Also, the report chronicles FATE its journey of supporting Nigerians and their businesses from inception in March, last year, highlighting the foundation’s inception stories, programme offerings and how they have evolved over the years.

It equally captures the  impact, entrepreneurs and initiatives supported, volunteers who have supported the foundation, partners who have collaborated, and various stakeholders who have enabled their work.

Executive Director, FATE Foundation, Adenike Adeyemi draws attention to how the impact learnings from the report is helping the foundation envision to make more impact in the nation’s entrepreneurship ecosystem.

She shared insight on some projects inaugurated to make this a reality and to celebrate the 20 years’ milestone like the Nigerian Entrepreneurship’ Handbook Series, Ecosystem Mapping tool, The FATE Story Documentary, INSIGHTS by FATE Foundation and E-learning Platform to provide asynchronous and self-paced entrepreneurship training.

Adeyemi further expressed that the report captures the foundation’s dedication to tackling unemployment through impact-driven enterprise development initiatives over the course of two decades and presenting entrepreneurship as a compelling alternative to paid employment for graduates.

“I am incredibly proud that through FATE Foundation we have disseminated values of integrity and resilience, and a culture of enterprise, innovation, and solutions. FATE businesses are solutions to economic problems and gap in the market. FATE entrepreneurs are distinguished by their resilience and their sense of community.”



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