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Reasons why you may have no breast milk after delivery



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Colostrum is the first breast milk your infant receives after birth. Colostrum is concentrated and produced in little amounts, thus it does not cause breast enlargement. 1 It takes a few days for colostrum to turn into the creamy transitional milk that fills your breasts. This normally begins around the third postpartum day, but it can take longer for some women.

Why Hasn’t Your Milk Arrived? If any of these apply to you, you may discover that your milk does not come in until the third or fourth day after your baby is born. Continue to breastfeed your infant as much as possible. Colostrum is beneficial to babies, and the stimulus of nursing aids milk production.

You don’t have to quit breastfeeding for any of these reasons, but you do need to make sure your baby is getting enough milk.

It’s Your First Child

A first-time mother’s breasts may not be filled with breast milk until the fifth day after delivery. Your milk will most likely arrive sooner with your next child. You had a difficult time delivering your baby.

Breast milk production can be slowed by a long hard labor, a traumatic birth experience, or the use of anesthetic, Pitocin, or an excessive amount of IV fluids.

You underwent a C-section

The stress, pain, and emotional aspects involved with a cesarean section can cause your breast milk to take longer to come in. Breastfeed as soon as you are able following your c-section and as often as possible.

Your Child Is Having Difficulties Latching

Any issues with your baby’s ability to latch on and breastfeed can prevent milk production from starting. Newborns with tongue ties, cleft lip/palate, or neurological problems may have difficulty latching on. It may be more difficult to start breastfeeding if your nipples are flat, inverted, or particularly huge. Seek assistance from a nurse or a lactation consultant.

You’re diabetic

When a mother has diabetes, milk production may take longer to start. Hormonal difficulties, the increased rate of c-sections in diabetic moms, early delivery, and the separation of mom and baby at birth could all contribute to the delay. Put your newborn to the breast frequently and monitor them to ensure that they are getting enough breast milk.


You’re suffering from a hormonal imbalance

Breast milk production may take longer if you have hypothyroidism or PCOS symptoms. 5 Breastfeed your baby on demand for at least two to three hours every two to three hours around the clock, and have your pediatrician keep a careful eye on his or her weight.

You Have Gained Weight

Being overweight before conception or accumulating too much weight throughout pregnancy can cause your baby’s breast milk production to be delayed after birth. Continue to breastfeed your infant to stimulate the production of breast milk, and keep a close eye on his or her growth and weight.

Placental Fragments Have Been Retained

When a portion of the placenta remains in the uterus after childbirth, it might delay your body from making the hormone changes needed to start producing breast milk. The hormones will shift and your body will start producing breast milk once your doctor diagnoses and removes the retained placental fragments.

You’re suffering from Theca Lutein Cysts

These testosterone-producing ovarian cysts can cause milk supply to be delayed. Within a few weeks of childbirth, they usually go away on their own. When these issues are resolved, testosterone levels drop, allowing complete milk production to resume.

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