Renowned human rights lawyer and activist Deji Adeyanju has criticized the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), declaring it a “dead party awaiting funeral rites” following...
As Christmas approaches, many Nigerians face a challenging festive season, grappling with soaring prices, stagnant incomes, and an overall economic downturn. Traditionally marked by joyous celebrations...
In a historic turn of events, President Bashar al-Assad has reportedly fled the Syrian capital, Damascus, following its dramatic takeover by opposition fighters. The fall of...
Corps Members have been advised to serve as positive agents of development that would bring succour to their host communities. The NYSC Director General, Brigadier General...
The Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) said depositors with balances exceeding N5 million will also be paid from their liquidation dividends. The Managing Director and...
Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) has appointed Mrs. Talatu K. Ethan as a new Director, Public Relations. A Bachelor of Science degree holder in Microbiology...
By Alex Olise The long arm of the law has caught up with a middle-aged man impersonating the Nigerian Army, as police operatives attached to the...
Daniel Obi has been elected as the Chairman of the Brand Journalists Association of Nigeria (BJAN), ushering in a new era of leadership aimed...
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (U.K.), Keir Starmer, has demonstrated a classical use of political power in making tough decisions in governance for equity...
That Nigeria has shut down her four refineries by willfully neglecting the rehabilitation while preferring to import refined products for more than 20 years is known...