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Senator urges Muslims to seek God’s intervention on security challenge



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Sen. Adetokunbo Abiru (APC-Lagos), has urged Nigerian Muslims to use the Ramadan period to pray for Allah’s intervention towards solving the country’s numerous security challenges.
Abiru said this in a statement on Tuesday in Lagos.

“I urge us to shun every bigotry disposition to fellow Nigerians who belong to other faith. Peace, harmony and tolerance should exemplify us as true believers.

“I welcome you to the Holy month of Ramadan. As we begin the fast in fulfillment of Almighty Allah’s injunction to all believers, may we be counted worthy of His bountiful blessings and get forgiveness of sins.

“We give glory and thanks to Almighty Allah for sparing our lives, and count us worthy to observe this glorious act of Ibadah.

“Almighty Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala (SWT) instructs, `O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous’ Surat Al-Baqarah 2:183,” he said.

Abiru prayed for continued Allah’s guidance for the country’s leaders.

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