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Underage trucker kills 10, injures 15 in road accident



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No fewer than 10 people died and 15 others injured in a road accident involving a truck and six other vehicles along Jos- Bauchi highway thanks to an underage driver..

The accident occurred at about 8:00am on Thursday at Zakalio/Babale axis along the highway.

According to eyewitnesses, the trailer lost control, and ran into a number of other vehicles .

Besides the casualties,  the accident also caused heavy traffic gridlock along the highway as people tried to rescue those trapped .

The  State Sector Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Alphonso Godwin confirmed the accident, adding  the truck driver was underaged.

He said  those who sustained injuries were taken to the Toro medical centre while the remains of those who died were deposited at the Bingham University Teaching Hospital, Jos.


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