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We are ready for war, Biafra League warns ‘killer gunmen’ in southeast Nigeria



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The Biafra Nations League, (BNL), on Monday declared that the group is ready for war with sponsored gunmen killing residents of southeast Nigeria. BNL threatened that the group would mobilise its military force to combat gunmen killing residents and destroying property in southeast Nigeria. BNL leaders vowed to deploy forces from their operational base to battle armed men disguising as Biafra agitators to kill people under the guise of enforcing the sit-at-home order imposed by the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) in southeast Nigeria.

The Deputy National Leader of the Biafra National League, Ebuta Takon, in a media interaction on Monday, decried that “the criminal elements who might have infiltrated the IPOB or genuine IPOB members, who have turned criminals have hijacked the sit-at-home order such that IPOB no longer weighs control over them.” He noted that genuine IPOB members cannot delight in killing the people they are promoting their interests.

The Biafra National League, therefore, cautioned the “people funding gunmen to kill people in southeast Nigeria to refrain henceforth or there will be serious gun battles in the process of trying to clean the region from sponsored criminals.”

Ebuta Takon warned that the BNL does not lack the firepower to prosecute the war.
He expressed regret that youths carry small guns to terrorize people rather than fighting the enemies.

Ebuta Takon declared: “If everyone should show their strength of firepower, I think BNL should be more deadly because we have access to procure everything we want to get through the sea, being our operational base.

“But how many times have there been reports that we have killed innocent travelers in the waterways.

“It is not about gara gara but calculation, not anything you see you shoot.

“Going to attack students writing examinations was the highest madness. I urge every group to start policing their land, the criminals are being sponsored within.”

BNL had earlier raised alarm that gunmen killing people in the southeast and also attacking police officers and police stations in Igbo land were allegedly sponsored by external interests to pave way for military onslaught of genuine IPOB agitators and members of the Eastern Security Network (ESN) committed to protect the Igbo land against invading killer herdsmen.

BNL had also warned the external sponsors to desist from the acts of destabilizing the Biafra territory to pave way for military onslaught. The BNL is this time sending a strong warning that the group military wing is prepared for showdown with mercenaries killing people and destroying property in southeast Nigeria.

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