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RevolutionNow: Yoruba monarch attacks Sowore for losing election and calling for revolution



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That the AAC ex-presidential candidate Omoyele Sowore contested the Feb 23 presidential election, he lost out, and then decided to spearhead a revolution is a no-no, a monarch in the southwest has said.

The Oluwo of Iwoland, Oba Abdulrosheed Adewale Akanbi didn’t only rubbish Sowore’s call for revolution, he described the convener and his supporters as unpatriotic.

In a statement he signed and issued yesterday, Akanbi expressed disappointment that a candidate in the 2019 elections could immediately call for revolution instead of supporting the current government in resolving the current challenges of insecurity.

“The call for a revolution at this fragile moment is not patriotic, it is out of love, uncivilized, non-digital and anti-people,” he said.

“We should behave moderately, act patriotically and complement government at addressing their perceived weaknesses. Let the world see us as enlightened and not conspirator.”

According to him, Sowore, as a former contestant, was expected to collaborate, fuse, criticise constructively.

“If I contest against someone and lost the contest, should I because of that shut down his administration because he won the contest? No, is that what the opponent does in advanced nations?” He asked.

“I want to appeal to Nigerian youths most especially the jobless ones to respect the law, be patriotic and complement leader’s effort at achieving a new Nigeria of our dream. Good governance is a gradual process. If what you wish is not what is obtainable, you can wait at the poll, not a revolution that could consume the nation.”

He admitted the mastermind of the revolution, Sowore, is an asset good enough to be be part of the system.

‘If he can’t be, there are better way of making an impact. He should be more tutored, study situation and respect our togetherness.”

Sowore has been arrested  since Saturday, by the DSS, for treason.

Many Nigerians, however, criticised the government for violating Sowores rights.


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