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Check out Deji Adeyanju’s reaction after Bashir Ahmad hailed him for advising other parties



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Nigerian human rights activist, Deji Adeyanju took to social media just a few minutes ago to reply an all progressives congress’ member, Bashir Ahmad.

Earlier, Bashir Ahmad had tweeted hailing Deji Adeyanju for advising and telling the people’s democratic party, the new Nigeria people’s party and the labour party the truth after having realized that it is only the ruling all progressives congress that has the capacity to win the 2023 presidential election. Bashir Ahmad went further to condemn every gang up against Deji Adeyanju.

Deji Adeyanju replied Bashir Ahmad by saying “who is your brother?” as you could see from the screenshots.

You will recall that Deji Adeyanju has always been of the opinion that the third force political parties should work together so that they will be able to defeat the incumbent government, in the absence of which victory will be far from them if they stood individually in the 2023 presidential election.

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