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Here’s Nigeria’s first state to outlaw casual staffing



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The Bayelsa State Government on Thursday said it had outlawed engagement of casual staff in its workforce and would absorb the 838 casual workers currently in its service.

The state Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Daniel Iworison-Markson, announced this at the end of the state Executive Council meeting in Yenagoa, the state capital.

He said the policy would complement the recent employment of 1000 graduates, including First Class degree holders and medical practitioners as well as other related professionals.

Mr Iworiso-Markson, who extolled the governor for approving the absorption, said it was a profound period in the lives of the beneficiaries as most of them had spent between 15 and 20 years as casual workers in service.

He disclosed however that the affected casual workers would undergo screening before the confirmation of their appointments which was expected to be effective July 1.

Also speaking, the Chairman, Civil Service Commission, Peter Singabele, thanked Governor Seriake Dickson for the approval.

Mr Singabele said it would go a long way in addressing the problem of unemployment in the state.

He however, explained that going by the extant public service rules, any applicant above 40 years of age was not eligible for employment.

According to him, a verification of the educational certificates and age declaration of the casual staff would be carried out soon, and those above the age of 40 would be disengaged.

On his part, the Head of Service in the state, Luka Wellington-Obiri, described the outlawing of casualisation of workers in the state as cheering news to labour.

He gave the assurance that the civil service would do its best to deliver on its core mandate of carrying out government programmes and policies.

He advised the beneficiaries of the new policy to take advantage of the opportunity by being diligent at their duty posts so as to contribute their quota to the development of the state.

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