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Kano Emirship tussle: Don’t plunge Kano into chaos,  Council of Ullamas tells Tinubu



Kano Emirship tussle: Don’t plunge Kano into chaos,  Council of Ullamas tells Tinubu
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The Council of Ulamas in Kano has cautioned President Ahmad Bola Tinubu against using federal power to cause serious crises that could cripple Kano through his government’s alleged interference in the ongoing Emirate Council impasse.

The reinstatement of Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi II as the Emir of Kano on Thursday, and the consequent dethronement of Emir Ado Bayero, has come with dramatic twists, turns and intrigues, creating anxiety and a tense situation in the state.

However, a few hours to Sanusi’s reinstatement, a new twist was introduced to the ensuing drama as a Federal High Court in Kano granted an ex-parte order stopping Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf from reinstating Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II pending the determination of a substantive suit filed against the reinstatement.

The order also halted the abolishment of four emirates: Bichi, Gaya, Karaye, and Rano.

Following the controversial court order, the joint security agencies, under the leadership of the Kano Police Commissioner, Muhammad Usaini Gumel, said they would obey the court order issued by a Federal High Court stopping the state government from reinstating Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II.

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Reacting to the unfolding development, the Council of Ulamas said it was worried that recent events in the Emirate, if not carefully handled, could escalate and degenerate into chaos.

In a statement signed by 18 members of the Ulama, the clergies expressed their concerns regarding the ongoing dispute over the emirship.

Ulama emphasised that it is important for Tinubu to take all necessary measures to uphold peace in the state.

The Council of Ulamas said it was worried that recent events in the Emirate, if not carefully handled, could escalate and degenerate into chaos.

“The State Governor also has a responsibility as the Chief Executive of the state. As the act in question has already been completed, there is no need for violent enforcement of any order or violent resistance to it. We vehemently oppose any measures that will escalate conflict in the state.

READ ALSO: Kano police defy Gov. Yusuf over arrest order on deposed Emir of Kano


“Mr. President, as the leader of the nation, should not allow the contest for a royal stool to degenerate into violence. We are calling on Mr. President to allow the people of Kano State to resolve these issues amicably without the use of force and without loss of lives.”

He added, “Kano State is one of the most peaceful states in Nigeria; therefore, we, the undersigned, call on both contending parties to use civil means in resolving their differences to allow peace to reign in the state.”

“As major stakeholders in the state, we want to assure Mr. President that we shall reach out to contenders to resolve the matter peacefully.”

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