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Bauchi Teaching Hospital denies allegations of selling blood to patients



Bauchi Teaching Hospital denies allegations of selling blood to patients
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The Blood Bank at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital in Bauchi has refuted claims that it sells blood to patients needing transfusions.

Kaka Madu, a medical laboratory scientist at the Blood Bank, clarified in an interview that the Blood Bank only accepts donations from volunteers, which are reserved for emergency situations.

Madu explained that any fees patients pay are solely for materials, transfusion procedures, and laboratory screening.

He reassured potential donors that their entire blood volume would not be taken, as a pre-donation test is conducted to ensure they are fit to donate.

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He said some individuals unknowingly carry diseases but through blood donation, they discover and receive medical care and advice.

Madu said frequent blood donors tend to have adequate blood in old age and are less likely to require blood transfusions, describing it as a natural compensation from Almighty God.

He clarified that donating blood to relatives is considered a family replacement and encouraged people to donate voluntarily to save lives.
