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Kano assembly dismantles creation of additional emirates



Kano assembly dismantles creation of additional emirates
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The Kano State House of Assembly has finally passed the Kano Emirates Council Law (Repeal Bill) 2024 after it successfully scaled its third reading.

This new legislation effectively dismantles the establishment of the five additional emirates created in the state.

The repealed law, which initially established five distinct emirates—Kano, Bichi, Rano, Gaya, and Karaye—has now been set aside, with all offices and district head elevations or appointments under it being reverted to their previous statuses.

During plenary last Tuesday, Lawan Hussaini Dala, the majority leader, moved a motion for the amendment of the law.

READ ALSO: Kano assembly to amend Emirate Council Law

Dala said the law was not conceived in good faith, while raising concerns over the creation of the emirates. Afterwards, the house resolved to amend the law.

The newly passed bill seeks to abolish the five emirates and “all the appointments or offices arising therefrom”.

The bill also stipulates that the governor should restore the previous Kano emirate system.

Abba Yusuf, governor of Kano, is expected to sign the bill into law today.

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