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Man, 62, chains, starves son, 5, many days as punishment for stubbornness



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The ward head of Faru Village in Jibiya Local Government Area, Katsina State, Lawal Adamu, 62 years old, is being quizzed by the police for chaining, locking up and starving his son, 5 years old, for many days as punishment for stubbornness.

Lawal Adamu, at the Katsina State Police Headquarters, admitted the crime of child abuse, but expressed regrets for his action.

The son had become so lean, his bones physically visible, having wounds on several parts his body at the time of his rescue.

The police arrested the 62 years old father on receiving the report of the incident from the boy’s aunt who was visiting the residence, discovered the boy in captivity, chained by the father.

Lawal Adamu, father of 6 children, disclosed he had divorced the mother of the boy. Saying he chained the boy for only 3 days because of his stubbornness. He said that the boy always goes out to play and returns home late at night.

The father admitted that he locks up the boy while always going out for his daily activities and unlock him whenever he returns at night.

Lawal Adamu cited the insecurity crisis in the state as part of the reasons he took the action, adding that he was afraid something bad might happen to the boy in his absence. The 62 years old father showing remorse for his action, begged for forgiveness.

Adamu emphasized that as a title holder and custodian of the tradition, children are gifts from God who needs to be taken care of, lamenting that he will not be happy to see another man take such action on his child.

Adamu was arrested with his 32 years old second wife, Suwaiba Lawal, stepmother to the victim of child abuse.

Suwaiba Lawal claimed she encourages the husband to unlock the boy and free him, adding that Lawal Adamu always turns against her, threatening that the boy is his child that he is free to do whatever he feels like doing to him.

Suwaiba revealed that Lawal Adamu seldom provides food, health and other basic things for the boy. She said the responsibility of feeding boy with locally made spaghetti and rice was left to her alone.

The wife added that condition of the boy, besides being chained in the house for 3 days without food, was worsen by his being infested by malaria and there was no money to take him to the hospital because the father refused to provide money for his treatment.


The second wife also revealed that the wound on the boy’s hand was caused by fire burn inflicted on him by Fatima, one of the man’s daughters.

The wife said she tried her best to assist the boy but expressed regret that she did not report the matter to the police before the arrest.

The five-year-old boy was said to be receiving treatment in a hospital; while the police assured that Suwaiba Lawal will be charged to court for cruelty to a child, citing the child protection law.

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