You spent so many years trying not to get her pregnant, so when you finally want to become a dad, you might be surprised to discover that conceiving isn’t as easy as you may have thought. In fact, 1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant. And in 1 out of every 3 cases, the problem is on the guy’s end, according to the national fertility organization resolve.
For about one-half of couples with fertility problems, experts say low sperm count is the cause. But maybe something as simple as changing the kind of underwear a man wears can make a difference.
Here are fashion mistakes men should avoid
Crossing Legs
Crossing the legs boosts the temperature of the testes to such an extent that sperm production may become adversely affected, according to researchers. Marc Goldstein, professor of urology and director of the Center for Male Reproductive Medicine at New York Hospital’s Cornell Medical Center, said that the optimum temperature for sperm production is 32C to 33C. Anything higher is likely to hinder it. Sitting with legs crossed for 20 minutes while wearing trousers raises the average temperature to between 36C and 37C.

In a study of 656 men, by researchers at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, in the US, boxer short wearers had a 25% higher sperm concentration than men in tight-fitting underwear. Cooler temperatures around the testicles could be the reason. Experts say this simple lifestyle change could improve men’s fertility.
Keeping Your Smartphone In Your Pants Pocket
Cell phone exposure may hurt the way your sperm move and decrease the number that are swimming around, a recent British review of 10 studies concluded. The radiation emitted from phones could cause DNA damage to sperm. And the heat from a phone could raise the temperature inside your scrotum and hamper sperm production, researchers say.