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Nigerian govt to establish varsity of medical sciences in Sokoto



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The Federal Government will establish a Federal University of Medical Sciences and a Federal Medical Centre in Sokoto State.

The Senator representing Sokoto East, Ibrahim Gobir, confirmed the development to journalists on Sunday in Sokoto.

He said the university and medical centre would be sited in Gwadabawa and Gada local government areas of the state.

The lawmaker said: “The establishment of the Federal Medical Centre, Gada, was borne out of the genuine desire to make us have a federal presence in that area.

“This is because most of the facilities and centres like the Usmanu Danfodiyo University and its Teaching Hospital, among others, are all located in Sokoto Central.”

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“So, we feel that what we can do is to come up with a FMC Gada so that at least our people can access enough medical care.”

Gobir said the bills for the establishment of the university and the centre had passed second reading in the Senate while public hearings on the issues had been successfully conducted.

He added: “So, the only thing that is going to be done is the clause-by-clause that is the third reading.

“Then the reports would be laid, the considerations and the eventual passage of the bills, to be followed by the presidential assent.”

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