Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday called on the Ukrainian army to overthrow the government whose leaders he described as “terrorists” and “a gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis”.
The truth is that Ukraine is becoming a victim of the worlds’ powerful nations and its territory will turn onto a battlefield till the powerful nations’ nefarious interests are achieved by either side. America wants to put a military base on the Ukraine border next to Russia, Putin is protecting his county. As we know all America does is invade in the name of democracy like Libya, Iraq, etc.
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This is part of an international, militaristic, fascist, authoritarian movement, gaining momentum worldwide. One of its main leaders just declared a war of conquest against a smaller neighbor. Its fifth columnists are also here, cheering him on and working to destroy democracy and construct their autocratic state. Make no bones about it, like WW2, this is part of yet another global war to preserve our freedoms.

The U.S, the U.K, and their allies should look for alternative ways (s) for solving the conflicts between the two nations and not going for military action.
These superpower nations tend to use foreign countries as battlefields in the name of offering assistance but in the actual sense, it’s not. What is hard for Joe Biden and Boris Johnson is that they can not solve this dispute peacefully?
The US and its Western allies have been beating the drums of war in Ukraine for 8 years, Russia is now dancing to their tunes and crying for invasion whereas, in reality, it is the US’s expansionism agenda through NATO. The poor Ukrainians are the ones to pay the price. To be realistic Russia can not sit down and fold their arms and watch the enemies troops occupying their border. The US’s concern is just to invade, expand and get richer in which they see war as an opportunity.