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South West Reps members meet with House Leaders on region’s issues



South West Reps members meet with House Leaders on regions issues
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The South West Caucus in the House of Representatives of the 10th National Assembly, at the resumption of sittings, after the national strike declared by the Organized Labour, held a meeting with the leadership of the House of Representatives to discuss matters affecting the south west region.


South West Reps members meet with House Leaders on regions issues

Hon. James Faleke and two members of the House

According to a member of the South West Caucus in the House of Representatives, James Abiodun Faleke, @honfaleke “the plenary session resumed today after the strike.


South West Reps members meet with House Leaders on regions issues

James Faleke at House plenary

“Immediately afterward, members of the South West Caucus of the House of Representatives held a meeting with the House leadership to discuss vital issues affecting the region.”

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