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Sudan military reach agreement with civilian politicians, reinstate ousted Prime Minister Hamdok



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The military junta in Sudan after hours of thorough negotiations on Saturday, reached agreement with displaced civilian politicians in the country, resolving to reinstate overthrown Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.

The head of the Umma Party, Fadlallah Burma Nasir, had revealed on Sunday that after an agreement reached in the late hours of Saturday, Hamdok will form an independent cabinet of technocrats and all political detainees will be released as contained in the agreement between the military junta and civilian political parties.

Nasir noted that he participated in the meeting late on Saturday where the mediators made a deal.

The Sovereign Council was said to have held an emergency meeting on Sunday to deliberate on the agreement.

The military junta placed Prime Minister Hamdok on house arrest after they seized power on October 25. The coup obstructed  a transition to democracy agreed after the overthrow of the sit tight autocrat, Omar al-Bashir, in 2019.

The army dissolved the cabinet of Hamdok and detained several of civilians holding top positions within a power-sharing agreement with the military after the overthrow of al-Bashir.

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