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13 Incredible Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar



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The health benefits of apple cider vinegar are impressively extensive. Apple cider vinegar helps in weight loss, detoxification, speeds up metabolism, fights diabetes and provides relief from arthritis, high cholesterol, diarrhea, depression, asthma, and cancer.

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is made out of fresh, ripe, high-quality apples that are fermented and passed through a rigorous process to develop the final vinegar product. In the first step, the crushed apples are exposed to yeast to start the alcoholic fermentation process, and the sugars are turned into alcohol. In the second step, bacteria are added to the alcohol solution, which further ferments the alcohol and turns it into acetic acid.

It is stated that around 400 BC, Hippocrates, The Father of Medicine, used only two curative products for his remedial treatments and one of them was the apple cider vinegar. The amino acids in it are effective antiseptics and also work as antibiotics, whereas the acetic acid content in the vinegar can aid in the treatment of various fungal and bacterial infections.

Types Of Apple Cider Vinegar

The two popular types are:

  • Organic Apple Cider Vinegar: It is made from apples that are allowed to ferment naturally without heat. Unlike commercial types, the organic variety is not processed or refined. It has a cloudy appearance because it contains the “mother” of vinegar. The “mother”, which has a cobweb-like appearance, is a colony of bacteria which is gut-friendly and is often considered the most nutritious part of the apple cider vinegar. This type of vinegar is also called non-pasteurized, raw, or unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
  • Commercial Apple Cider Vinegar: This type of vinegar goes through a pasteurization process in which the vinegar is heated and filtered and sediments are removed if any. It also has a clear, amber appearance as the “mother” of vinegar is removed.

Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

The most popular and useful health benefits of this vinegar are as follows:

Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent therapy for losing excess weight. It works by making the body burn all the unwanted calories and getting the body’s metabolism working at its best. It supports appetite control and fat burning in the body. According to a study, acetic acid, which is the main component in apple cider vinegar, can help in weight loss since it targets body fat.

Treats Arthritis

The arthritic condition of inflamed joints is a chronic illness in many countries and the main cause is the accumulation of toxic waste in the body. Apple cider vinegar is said to relieve pain in the joints and also curb the dangerous progress of the arthritic condition.

Regulates Cholesterol Levels


The pectin content and amino acids found in alcoholic apple cider are effective in neutralizing the bad cholesterol levels in the human body, thereby protecting the cardiovascular system.

Boosts Metabolism

Apple cider vinegar plays an important role in terms of speeding up the metabolism of the body. It supports appetite control and fat burning in the body.

13 Incredible Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Detoxifies the Body

It is one of the most powerful detoxifying agents that helps to cleanse the entire digestive system. Thus, one of the most significant health benefits of this vinegar is that it cleans the blood in the oxidation process.

Controls Diabetes

This disease needs constant medical care and strict dietary restrictions. The dietary fiber present in apple cider vinegar is extremely beneficial for maintaining proper blood glucose levels.

Skin Care

Balancing your body’s pH levels is imperative to maintain healthy skin. Apple cider vinegar can do wonders for your skin because of its high alkaline levels. The pH level of apple cider vinegar is similar to the pH level of the protective acid mantle of the skin. This is why an apple cider vinegar rinse can help restore the glow of the skin, restrict the dilation of skin pores, keep your skin from becoming too oily or too dry by balancing the production of sebum and improves the circulation of nutrients. It’s an excellent home-remedy to prevent aging. Mix together one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with two cups of water. Moisten a cotton ball with the rinse and use it to wipe your face clean and dry. This also helps ward off bacteria and shed dead skin cells.

Hair Care

Apple cider vinegar is very useful in dandruff control and balancing the pH level of the scalp. You may also try applying two to three spoonfuls of vinegar directly to the scalp and rinse after an hour or so. Avoid contact with eyes so as to not cause irritation.

Treats Diarrhea

The pectin content in apple cider helps to treat diarrhea symptoms by forming bulk fibrous matter. In addition to this, the pectin also forms a protective coat for soothing the lining of the colon.



Medical experts believe that ‘depression syndromes’ may be connected with the physical body more than the mental state. Furthermore, the health benefits of apple cider vinegar can help in the fight against the melancholic state by means of detoxifying and cleansing the liver.

Pet Care

Apple cider vinegar can come handy in terms of animal and pet care. In case of cat care, vinegar should be used to clean the litter pan. It should also be used in rinsing your dog as a way to treat it for various infections, and as a way to repel insects and ticks.

Treats Asthma

Many people have found relief from chronic asthma by taking the vinegar or by applying vinegar-soaked pads to the inner region of their wrist area.

Fights Cancers

Apple cider vinegar is not known to cure cancer disease. However, it may aid in neutralizing the free radicals that have the potential to form cancerous growths. The beta-carotene content acts as an antioxidant and effectively neutralizes the free radicals formed through oxidation. The free radicals are harmful bodies that could cause major damage to blood cells.

The Natural Wonder Drug

It has progressed from a folk remedy to a reliable modern age medicine. If you can tolerate its taste, it is a natural remedy that heals and protects the human body. Drinking it every day will bring a robust and healthy glow to your skin and complexion, among all of its other tremendously important health benefits!

Apple Cider Vinegar FAQs

How to use apple cider vinegar?

A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (ACV) can be taken as a tonic; it helps with bowel regularity and has weight-loss supporting effects. ACV can also be diluted, mixed with green tea, and applied sparingly as a facial toner; it can also be combined with green tea and honey as a face mask for acne.


Where to buy apple cider vinegar?

You can purchase apple cider vinegar at your local supermarket. In terms of health benefits, the best type to buy contains ‘mother,’ a substance present in murky-looking varieties of this vinegar. If you can’t find it with ‘mother’ in your supermarket, you should be able to order it online.

What are the benefits of apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has a plethora of health benefits when taken orally; it can support weight loss, heart health, and digestive health, as well as diabetes and blood-pressure management. When diluted and mixed with other natural ingredients (e.g. honey or green tea), it can also be applied topically to manage facial acne.

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