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2 countries that have defeated Russia during war



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Russia became a sovereign nation after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the year 1991. However, it is important to point out that Russia existed even before the formation of the Soviet Union. The Russian military is said to be one of the most formidable forces in modern history. However, it is important to note the fact that Russia has lost some wars over the past years. Below are two countries that have defeated Russia during war.

1. Japan

Japan is one of the most powerful countries within the Asian continent. The Japanese military used to be a major force around the world. It should be said that Japan defeated the Russian Empire during the Russo-Japanese War. This war lasted from 1904 to the year 1905. This information has been confirmed by

2. Sweden

Sweden is another country that has defeated Russia during a war. This country is officially known as the Kingdom of Sweden. Sweden defeated Russia during the Ingrian War. This war lasted from the year 1610 to 1617.

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