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22,000 people missing in Nigeria; NHRC begins pilot project from Borno



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In the last 10 years, 22,000 Nigerians have been declared missing, according to figure by the International Committee Red Cross,

The Executive Director, CLEEN foundation, Dr. Benson Olugbuo was quoting the figure as the highest on the continent before  the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in Abuja August 30, the 2021 International Day of the Disappeared.

He said the highest case recorded was in 2014 when girls from the Government Girls College, Chibok also known as Chibok girls were kidnapped from their school by the Boko Haram insurgents.

According to him, people have always complained about cases of kidnap, missing persons, and other cases of disappearance but very little is done.

Women Affairs Ministers Pauline Tallen lamented that Nigeria had the highest case of missing persons in Africa hence, urged that the present administration were on their toes to curb the situation.

The Executive Secretary of the Commission, Mr. Tony Ojukwu announced the launch of a pilot project on establishing a database for missing persons which will kick off from Borno State.

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