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3 conditions set by the Russian troops to “keep the Ukrainian flag flying” after capturing Kherson



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The Ukrainian key city identified as Kherson has been captured by the Russian military after a heavy gunfight was reported in the area.

While the Russians now control the city, below are conditions set by Russian forces to the residents to “keep the Ukrainian flag flying”, according to Kherson mayor, Igor Kolykhaev.

  1. Ukrainians must only go out in groups

2) Observing a strict curfew from 20:00 to 06:00

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3) Allowing only cars carrying food, medicine, and other supplies to enter the city, driving at minimum speed.

About 2000 thousand people have been killed and more than 900,000 thousand have fled Ukraine to other neighboring countries, according to the UN’s High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi.

The war in Ukraine began on February 24th, 2022 after the Russian president, Vladimir Putin announced his decision to carry out military operations in Ukraine over the threat of NATO around its borders.

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