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3 Healthy foods that are dangerous when eaten in excess



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It is good to enjoy the good things of life but remember that moderation is key in almost every thing in life. I want to surprise you by presenting some healthy foods that may become dangerous to us if we eat too much of them.

1. Coffee

Coffee is a very healthy drink. It contains caffeine and other antioxidants. It may help to prevent liver problems, type 2 diabetes and even neurological problems.

But it is equally very dangerous to take too much coffee. According to health line, drinking three to five cups of coffee may be safe but if you take more, it may cause insomnia, nervousness, irritability and stomach cramps.

2. Organ Meats

Organ meats are derived from major organs of the body such as heart, liver, kidneys, intestines , stomach and brain. These meats especially the liver are incredibly nutritious.but most organ meat contains too much cholesterol.

Beef liver is riçh in vitamin A, B12, copper and iron. According to health line, a 100 g of beef liver contains more than 6 times the recommended dietary intake of vitamin A and 7 times the recommended daily intake of copper.

Since vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamins which means that it can be stored in the body, therefore eating too much of beef liver may result in vitamin A toxicity or copper toxicity.

According to health line, vitamin A toxicity may show symptoms such as vision problems, pain in the bones, nausea or vomiting.

On the other hand, copper toxicity may cause symptoms such as oxidative stress and neurodegenerative changes and may increase the risk of ahzeimar disease.

So while organ meat are very nutritious and delicious, they should be taken in moderation.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are very rich in selenium, one of the trace minerals needed by the body. However selenium may be toxic if it is taken in very large amounts.

The recommended daily intake of selenium is 50 to 70 mcg per day while the upper level for safe intake of selenium is about 300 McG per day.

According to health line one large Brazil nut contain about 95 McG of selenium that is above the recommended daily intake. Therefore it is not healthy to take more than 4 to 5 Brazil nuts in a day to avoid selenium toxicity.


Selenium toxicity may such as loss of nails and hair, digestive issues and memory difficulties.

Conclusion: Always insist on moderation whenever you are enjoying good and healthy foods. They may also become delicate and cause toxicity when we take them in excess.

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