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4 Signs of weak immune system and ways it can be strengthened



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The immune system is like the body defence against infections and infectious diseases. Imagine a compound with no gate or a gate with no lock, anyone can enter at will. So is the body when the immune system is weak. Infections of several sorts are liable to have their way in.

This article shall enlighten you on some signs of weak immune system and ways it can be strengthened.

The white blood cells, lymph nodes etc are among the body defence system. A number of things like HIV, reaction to treatment, malnutrition can lead to alteration of this defense.

Four infections people with low immune system are likely to experience include

1. Pneumonia

2. Bronchitis

3. Meningitis

4. Skin infections

Some others may include anaemia which is shortage of blood, inflammation of internal organs, growth and developmental delay in children.

Here are ways through which the immune system can be made strong.

1. Stress less


Reduction of stress as well as anxiety is an important factor in immune system support. Chronic stress would lead to inflammation as well as promotes an imbalance in the immune cell function.

Stress relieving activities include journaling, meditation, yoga.

2. Drink enough water

Taking enough water though won’t protect against germs and viruses but is known to affect the overall health positively. Not enough water which is known as dehydration can affect the body by leading to abnormalities in the function of the heart as well as that of the kidneys which would lead to dreaded health conditions on the long run.

3. Eat enough natural foods

Natural foods are blessed with nutrients such as antioxidants, as in the case of fruits and vegetables, fibre among others.

Antioxidants help to reduce inflammation by combatting the effects of unstable compounds called free radicals. The effects of free radicals is the leading cause of several degenerative diseases most people suffer today including some cancers.

Fibre also helps to keep the digestive tract healthy. This it does by feeding the community of healthy bacteria present in the lungs.

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