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Reasons tiger nuts is good for pregnant women



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Pregnancy is the most delicate phase of a woman’s life. A pregnant lady would definitely have to change a lot of things about her during this phase of her life, especially her diet. And tiger nuts are one of the healthiest food product that should be eaten more often by a woman expecting a baby. Tiger nuts are rich in fiber, antioxidants, magnesium, calcium, iron, protein and lots of other nutrients needed for a smooth and healthy pregnancy. In this article, I’ll be writing about some of the reasons why all pregnant women should eat tiger nuts regularly. See them below;

Boost breast-milk production

Eating tiger nuts on a regular basis during pregnancy is an easy way to boost the production of milk in the body. Nursing mothers need a very huge supply of milk in order to nourish their babies and tiger nuts can help in that aspect. During pregnancy and even after delivery, nursing mothers are advised to consume lots of tiger nuts to fight against early dryness of breast-milk.

Decrease blood sugar level

Having a very high sugar level or early type-1 diabetes during pregnancy is one things that all women should avoid. Tiger nuts contains a very high amount of fiber and natural antioxidants which helps to regulate and control blood sugar levels in the body. High sugar levels during pregnancy can negatively affect a mother and her unborn baby’s health.

Reduced risk of constipation

Constipation, improper digestion and irritable bowel movements is a problem that all pregnant women will definitely face. However, tiger nuts can come in to reduce the risk of experiencing such things. Regular eating of tiger nuts helps to remove harmful toxins which causes constipation from the body. Once you start experiencing irritable bowel movements, eat lots of tiger nuts to make your digestion easier.


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1 Comment

  1. Gideon

    April 21, 2022 at 7:11 am

    Taking Tiger nuts during pregnancy has been shown to be very useful as it can help reduce your chances of having macrosomic babies or what is popularly known as “big baby “. We all know the problems that is associated with having big babies, for the mother and the developing fetus. It’s high content of fiber causes the mom to shed unnecessary weight and prevents the developing fetus from gaining too much weight. This your article on benefits of tiger nut in pregnancy is one of those I have read online. Thanks for taking out time to give out the best

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